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Guest Report

Posted: Tue Oct 16, 2012 8:06 pm
by Mike Lloyd
Like us, you have no doubt read a lot of glowing reports for Carpe Diem and thought too good to be true. In fact, we found they underplayed it. We went back to Tobago after 5 years and wanted to see more of, what for us, was the real Tobago. Castara delivered that for us. We had planned to hire a car or Taxis for the occasional days we might want to stretch our legs. The reality was we were so pleased with both the accommodation and the village we only went off piste for 1 day (and then only to go the the truly wonderful Englishman's Bay) Other than that Castara, Carpe Diem, Chris & Yvonne made our 25th Wedding Anniversary treat perfect.
The rooms were everything we expected from reading the descriptions and were more than adequate. Everyone was extremely friendly and were more than willing to chat with us and lend their help and advice. Chris and Yvonne were just so helpful and were by far the best hosts we have had the privilege of booking through.
We have been back less than a week and are already planning a return visit next year. That should say it all!