Guest Report

15 open-plan lodges and apartments on a steep hillside (listing)
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Jo Theed

Guest Report

Post by Jo Theed »

Just back from a second, lovely visit to Castara. It was only a week but what a joy after central London in a February freeze. I just want to add my voice to the general clamour to confirm that Castara Retreats is a very special place to visit.

Coasthanger is the first of the new haiku lodges to be opened and it's dreamy. The 180 degree-view of the coast, the smell of wood, the sound of the surf, the spacious layout and airy design, the garden and birdlife around, and the attention to detail make for a wonderful experience. The 2nd haiku lodge is not yet completed and the builders (although being as considerate as possible) are a bit close for comfort, but that's all going to be over in a couple of weeks and then there will be another beautiful, new building to visit. Lucky you if you have a booking for any of the Castara Retreats accommodation!

For me... the joy was the view, AND the peace of the hammock at sundown, AND the people (thanks to Porridge and Jeanelle for looking after us and arranging our day diving, Duck for a lovely day out in the boat and for a fun BBQ, Marita for a delicious "take-away" supper, Doris for the flowers, Carrington for fruit from the garden, King David for the walk in the forest, Steve Felgate for having a birthday and introducing us to the Woolers - lovely to meet them and to be able to thank them for this great site in person - and all the fellow guests for being such friendly folk!).

Hmmm - seems cruel to be back at work. Have a lovely time if you are visiting this accommodation!

PS My only Tobagan advice is to take lots of anti-mosquito (only thing that I don't miss are the biters!) and to obey the common-sense rule of asking how much something biggish (outing/meal) is before accepting it. It makes for a horrible moment if you find that things cost more than you expected and it's so avoidable if one asks first.
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